Amazon has a new partnership with a company that is called Realogy. The gist of it is that you’ll basically be able to buy a home off of amazon with an agent from Realogy. Both amazon and Realogy work with another company named Turn Key. Turn Key is a major company...
Real estate wholesaling is a great way to not only invest quickly into real estate, but also to profit from that investing. With real estate wholesaling, you never actually own the property you’re moving. To make such deals work, someone wholesaling real estate...
Paul Moore reached the finals of the Ernst & Young competition for Entrepreneur of the Year, in Michigan. At Wellings Capital he’s a managing partner, and has definitely had a strange and successful ride through life thus far. His financial knowledge about...
Owning and making a rental property available to tenants is one of the must lucrative sources of passive income. Even mortgaging the property, and then renting it, can be quite profitable since often the rental income will cover the cost of the mortgage you’re...
For someone looking to begin investing, one of the most promising investment areas is buy and hold real estate. Buy and hold real estate is considered a long term investment strategy because you purchase a property with the intent to sell much later at an increased...
Real estate foreclosures continue to trend downward. Analysis of property and loan data shows mortgages and real estate loans in the United States are showing a marked decrease in the likelihood of going to foreclosure, compared to this time last year. The decrease is...